
Gympie & District Hockey Association


Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Registration for the 2025 Season is now open. Please see information below.

New players please use the NEW MEMBER link below
Returning players please use the RETURNING MEMBER link below.

The fees shown below are the total fees including the Hockey Australia, Hockey QLD, Gympie Hockey Association fees, all game and training fees. The HA/HQ fees are payable online at registration while the Gympie Hockey fees are invoiced via email after registration. This year all registered members will also receive member discounts at the club bar and canteen.


Gold Stix/Hook in2 Hockey (introductory 6 week program) - Total fees $100 (includes $41.54 HA/HQ online fee and a player participant pack) - Term 1 Program beginning Saturday 1st March 9am

Under 9 - Total fees - $254.04 (includes $106.04 HA/HQ online fee) - season begins Saturday 15th March 10.00am 

Under 12 - Total fees - $330.04 (includes $106.84 HA/HQ online fee) - season begins Saturday 15th March 11.15am 

Under 17 - Total fees - $366.04 (includes $106.04 HA/HQ online fee), season begins Friday 14th March from 4pm   

Senior Student (aged 19-24) - Total fees - $414.03 (includes $135.03 HA/HQ online fee), season begins Friday 14th March 

Division 2 Seniors - Total fees - $473.44 (includes $170.44 HA/HQ online fee), season begins Friday 14th March from 6pm

Division 1 Cooloola Heat - Total fees - $778.44 (includes HA/HQ online fee & SCHA fee), season begins Saturday 1st March

Non-Playing Social Membership - $10.00

We also have fee options for players who can only play a limited amount of games due to work, etc. 
Send requests to treasurer@gympiehockey.org.au for consideration.

CONTACT: Ben Fitzpatrick at  operations@gympiehockey.org.au for more details.

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